Toshiba supports medical personnel with “Less Plastic Thailand”

Sep 09, 2021 < Back

In September 2021, Toshiba Lighting Components (Thailand) Ltd. (“TLCT”) held a CSR activity “TLCT separates bottles to help medical personnel (from PET to PPE suits)”. This activity was organized by Less Plastic Thailand with the objective to recycle PET bottles into personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical personnel during Covid-19. A total of 374 bottles were collected from TLCT employees. These bottles were sent to Less Plastic Thailand to be recycled into 20 sets of PPE suits for medical personnel. Mr. Ikeda Tatsuya, President of TLCT believes that this event reflects TLCT’s motto of Save, Care and Share – Save medical personnel by fighting the Covid-19 outbreak, Care for the environment by reducing plastic waste and Share TLCT employees’ passion for charity with the community.